
A False Sense of Security

Creating self signed certs is straight forward:

umask 277

openssl genrsa 1024 > host.key

openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -sha1 -days 365 -key host.key > host.cert

cat host.cert host.key > host.pem

You then import the generated cert in a client; e.g. with php/curl, the incantation is:

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, '.../ssl/host.pem');

Et VoilĂ ! we have a 'secure' communication path between client and server...


The hunt for AFK's

qcheck(1) is the key to looking for inconsistencies between what portage installed and a live system: qcheck -aTC

or with nice colour: qcheck -aT

Filtering out python, ... etc false positives (AFK appears to be qcheck code for missing files):

DATE=`date +%Y%m%d`

qcheck -aTC >$OUT 2>&1


grep AFK $OUT | egrep -v $filter | sort >${DATE}-afk.log
grep MD5-DIGEST $OUT | egrep -v $filter | sort >${DATE}-md5.log

Slowly going faster

An old/slow gentoo box:

sticks the service deps into a tmpfs

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
svcdir 2.0M 188K 1.9M 10% /var/lib/init.d

Any speedup isn't noticable, but its one step closer to running root fs out of a pseudo-SSD
(pcmcia memory card adapter + old SD card). Going ro is painful from quick glance.

Anyway usage rises to 344k on a reasonably well configured box, so 2MB is fine.

tmpfs is a real gain for emerges with an fstab including:

shm /dev/shm tmpfs noatime,size=4G,nr_inodes=200k 0 0

and linking /var/tmp to /dev/shm - 4GB is comfortable for building openoffice.


A brief history

Liking xemacs meta-A to call set-mark-command:

(defun php-hook ()
(define-key php-mode-map [(meta a)] 'set-mark-command))

(add-hook 'php-mode-hook 'php-hook)
(require 'php-mode)

I don't care to recall how many times I have had to resurrect this arcane formula over the years.

And php-mode is in portage for emacs, but not xemacs...


What big documentation you have

I used kdoc to some effect previously. It was a good habit to get into.

doxygen is the generator of choice where I am at the moment.

The incantation I stumbled on
$ doxygen -g proj.dox
$ vi proj.dox
INPUT = x.h y.h ...
$ doxygoen proj.dox

The html is ok and I like the man pages it spits out.


Command Lines to Forget

Things I find useful to keep handy...

Installing CPAN modules somewhere other than in the system perl directories

perl Makefile.PL INSTALL_BASE=/home/me/perl
perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/home/me/perl

Generating usable postscript from man pages

groff -man -Tps apage.3pm >apage.ps

Landscape pages from a2ps

a2ps --columns=1 -f 9 -r -o RESULTS.ps RESULTS.txt

Validate XML against an external DTD

xmllint --noout --postvalid --dtdvalid the.dtd the.xml

Extracting an rpm to the current directory

rpm2cpio foo.rpm | cpio --extract --verbose --preserve-modification-time --no-absolute-filenames --make-directories


C99 or back to the future

Its almost 10yrs since I had to look at any significant C, and it was pleasant to find that C99 has added:
  1. for loop initialisers are supported
  2. declarations can be mixed with code
  3. there is a bool type
  4. the C++ // comment is supported
  5. and some weird array and macro stuff (variable length arrays are broken in gcc)
And C style casting was something that I tried very hard to forget.


Large File Support in HP-UX

fsadm is the key to turning on large file support in a HP-UX filesystem. Then the fun begins making sure that compiler flags allow you at your >2GB goodness.

There is a reasonable discussion of the other steps in the Tru64 Transition document set.


Soft-boiled egg cracking

Endianness is great make-work and telling the which orientation a box is at runtime is interesting (especially as some architectures are bi) - snippet derived from the IBM article:

main(int argc, char* argv[])
int i = 1;
char *p = (char *)&i;

if (p[0] == 1)
printf("little endian\n");
printf("big endian\n");

return 0;

Anyway, HP-UX on Itanium is big (as was/is PA-RISC), linux on Intel is little.


Caching nameserver with ISC bind

Handy to do in the presence of dodgy local nameserver(s) - on gentoo:

# emerge bind
# vi /etc/bind/named.conf
//forward first; // uncomment to avoid going to the root nameservers
forwarders {; // local dodgy ns #1; // local dodgy ns #2
# vi /etc/resolv.conf
# rc-config add named
# /etc/init.d/named start
# dig www.dilbert.com # <- note query time
# dig www.dilbert.com # <- note reduced query time


HP-UX Versions & Support

HP will support old HP-UX OS versions for ~10 years. Updates to major releases come every 6 months. And major releases come every 3 years.

And they guarantee forward compatibility if there are no kernel dependencies. They don't have a backward compatibility guarantee (build on a newer environment, for deployment on an older one).

Software from the old HP 9000 architecture can run under emulation on Itanium, or is guaranteed to be source code/build time compatible on Itanium.


C++ References

Small collection of links that I find handy & refer to regularly:


Incantation to install swinstall:

swinstall -s /local/SwAssistant_C.01.02_HP-UX_11iv2+v3_IA_PA.depot

Depots need to be marked for installation inside the swinstall motif gui.

SWA itself is finicky about the specific version of the jre that it requires as well...

But it depends on having internet access to pull down a swa_catalog.xml file, and if your servers don't have that access...

So download it with firefox, scp it to the server, uncompress it, and:

# swa report -x catalog=swa_catalog.xml

And of course it doesn't run because it needs a later 'Gold Base Patches for HP-UX' bundle to be installed...

Rooting around HP-UX 11.23 ia64

Whats in the box

The divil is in the detail:
  1. Run machinfo to see installed memory (& hardware model, ...)
  2. Watch paging use with swapinfo.
  3. Run 'ioscan ioscan -funC disk' to see installed disks.
  4. Look at logical volumes/groups with vgdisplay -v (the 'Free PE' field is interesting).
  5. Look at how a physical disk is allocated with pvdisplay /dev/dsk/c2t0d0
And then patching

swa is the HP recommended way of patching up boxes - its a free download from (the download site was broken the first day I tried - worked the next day).