
Command Lines to Forget

Things I find useful to keep handy...

Installing CPAN modules somewhere other than in the system perl directories

perl Makefile.PL INSTALL_BASE=/home/me/perl
perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/home/me/perl

Generating usable postscript from man pages

groff -man -Tps apage.3pm >apage.ps

Landscape pages from a2ps

a2ps --columns=1 -f 9 -r -o RESULTS.ps RESULTS.txt

Validate XML against an external DTD

xmllint --noout --postvalid --dtdvalid the.dtd the.xml

Extracting an rpm to the current directory

rpm2cpio foo.rpm | cpio --extract --verbose --preserve-modification-time --no-absolute-filenames --make-directories

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